How To Achieve Your Fitness Goals

fit2beit, fitness, strong, gym, kettlebells

Fitness goals are probably some of the most challenging to begin, and even moreso to accomplish. I think everyone can say they’ve made a fitness-related goal at some point. And most of us have probably re-started this goal or made a new one because the first just didn’t work out.

Part of this is because there are just so many different ways you can exercise & move your body. So when it comes to starting your own fitness routine, it can be daunting and overwhelming. Where do you even begin?

Fear not, I’ve conjured up the following list for y’all. Step by step, I will walk you through the process of where you can start and how to get your fitness routine jump-started. So grab a cuppa, and a piece of paper & writing device, and let’s get moving!

1. Set a goal.

What is it you want to achieve? And what is your time frame? Be realistic!!

For example, do you want to become stronger? Your goal could be: “Lift 50kg by December”. Or maybe you’d like to run a marathon: “Run 26.2mi/42.2km by May 2019”. Often we end up setting goals which are so general that they’re hard to actually complete. “Start working out” may be a great goal, but that’s a hard to actually accomplish since it leaves you unsure of where to start and what you actually want to achieve. You can even include what you’d like to feel once the goal is complete (i.e. “I want to enjoy running more”). Writing down specific things with a deadline makes goal setting so much easier!


2. Find an activity you enjoy.

This is one of the most important points, and you may even need to do this step before setting your specific goal. Exercise is miserable for some people, but I believe this is solely because many people aren’t doing something they actually like. Why would you wake up at 6am to run if you hate running? Or sign up for spin classes when cycling bores you? This may be the most time-consuming step since you may need to try a few activities until you know what you enjoy. If you know someone who loves exercising, join them on their next workout to experience the hype yourself. Or start a free trial at your local gym and sign up for a different class every day. You’ll definitely have to step out of your comfort zone, but I promise it’ll be worth it!

When it comes to exercising, I think the common thought is that it needs to involve a gym. But honestly, as long as you keep your body moving consistently, you’re keeping yourself physically healthy. Here is a list of many ways you can stay active & fit:

  • Running
  • Strength Training (ie. Weightlifting and Powerlifting)
  • Hiking/Backpacking
  • Cycling
  • Yoga
  • Pilates
  • Martial Arts
  • Boxing
  • Rock Climbing (indoor + outdoor options!)
  • Many more!


fit2beit, fitness, strong, gym, kettlebells

3. Accountability.

Once you have a goal, share it with someone! You can ask them to check in on you, or even ask them to be your workout buddy. Staying active is always easier if you have someone who has fitness goals as well, especially if you make plans with them. 😉


4. Get the gear.

You can’t start exercising, and definitely won’t enjoy it, if you don’t have proper attire and equipment. Invest in some good athletic clothing you are comfortable in and any equipment you need to partake in the activity you’ve chosen (i.e. proper shoes, foam roller, yoga mat, etc). And if you’re like me, you won’t want to waste money buying items you don’t need so once you have the gear, you can get going – no excuses!

Other ways to help get yourself into a fitness routine once you have the gear:

  • Before bed, set aside the athletic gear you’ll need for the next day.
  • If you don’t have a certain dress code for your day, automatically put on athletic clothes. This will hold you more accountable and encourage you to be active at some point during the day (plus gym clothes are so much comfier, so it’s a good excuse to not worry about what to wear for the day).


5. Track your progress.

Just don’t let it become an obsessive thing. Take photos to see how your body physically changes, or keep track of the distances you go, weights you can lift, or length of time spent running/hiking, etc. These don’t even need to become publicized, but just for your own personal accountability & encouragement. You can also make note of how much better you feel (hopefully you feel stronger, happier, & more energized!).


food, nutrition, fitness, fit2beit6. Stay fuelled.

Diet is key in becoming more physically fit. No matter how much you exercise, you’ll still feel like crap if you eat crap. I’m not saying start tracking your macros (I actually suggest you don’t, unless you really need it to achieve your goal). Start adding more color to your meals – fruits & veggies. And you need to make sure you are eating adequate carbohydrates before and after your workout to give yourself energy you need. With the right nutrition, you’ll feel better before and after you work out!

Another easy tip is to meal prep. This ensures you won’t eat out or snack when you already have the food. Plus it’s simpler than it sounds – all you need is a source of protein, a carbohydrate, and some veggies! For example, something as basic as chicken, rice and asparagus. Healthy yet delicious 😉 You can experiment with different flavors and seasonings as you prep each dish.


7. Add it to your schedule.

Got a two hour lunch break? Perfect time to workout! See some classes you’d like to take during the week? Add them into your schedule! Late start day at work or for school? Run or workout before!

By adding when you will be working out into your weekly schedule, you’re automatically giving yourself the time. This way there are no excuses!

8. Have fun!

Overall, being more physically active should make you feel better. It should turn into a break and a hobby. A time to de-stress even. If you’re starting to feel burnt out, or are too exhausted or sick, IT’S OKAY to skip a day and REST. Letting your body recover is key. And if you start to get bored by an activity, try something else and switch it up! Fitness should be fun!


I hope these eight steps make it easier for you to go out there and start something new. To get your body moving. If all this still sounds like too much to plan yourself, feel free to contact me and I can help walk you through some easy steps to your first workout routine; plus you’ll gain accountability 😉 You can also check out the program I use, Fit2BeIt, which gives you a fitness & nutrition plan based off your specific goal and needs. It’s approved by personal trainers and nutritionists, so you’ll be guided by experts!

Best of luck to you, and most importantly, enjoy the journey!

Let me know what your fitness goal is in the comments below, and keep me updated on your journey to accomplishing it x

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Grams

    What a great but simple plan to get started! I have committed to walk more.
    At least 10 K steps a day. I stared off slow but completed 8 miles yesterday. I was exhausted but energized. Each day starts with a protein shake including all the
    fruits and veggies I need for the day. Switched out my cola for green tea and feel
    great for being 75 years young!

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